Best Healthy Food Options for ADHD
Medication helps almost 60 to 75 percent of the children with ADHD to feel better and to increase the focus levels, leading to better performance in school and other activities. The only problem with these psychostimulants is the potential side effects they have, which include insomnia, headache, abdominal pains, and weight loss. Studies say that some of these medicines may lead to depression too. Chemical overstimulation of the nervous system is not healthy for the human body and its organs. Healthy food options are a better way to control the symptoms of ADHD. Here are a few natural foods that have been proven to treat ADHD through scientific studies. Iron-rich food Scientific studies have proved that almost 80% of children with ADHD were deficient in iron. The lower the iron levels the more severe were the symptoms of ADHD. When the children were given iron supplements, their symptoms improved over time. Check the blood iron levels and instead of supplements, you can replace them with or iron-rich foods, which will prove beneficial and do not have any side effects. Some of the foods high in iron are: Peanut butter Tuna Dates Peas Eggs Dark leafy vegetables Whole grain bread Foods high in Zinc Zinc contributes to the metabolism of dopamine and hence is a positive mood enhancer.
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