10 Natural Remedies for the Cold and Flu

10 Natural Remedies for the Cold and Flu

Century-old traditions come alive with the onset of flu season. These remedies handed down through generations are effective in treating flu and cold without having to go to a doctor. If your flu or bout of cold is not too severe, you can try the above-mentioned remedies and you can see improvement in less than a week. Among the traditional remedies the use of herbs for teas, foot bath, infusions, eyewashes, facial steams, hair rinses are common, Here are some natural remedies that help one recover from flu and cold. Thyme Thyme has antimicrobial and antibacterial properties and also serves as an expectorant. Drinking freshly brewed thyme tea can help bring out the phlegm and fight the virus. Basil Basil is very effective in treating flu and cold. You can freeze them in ice trays with some water and use it when you need it. You can make tea with basil and is very effective to treat cough, cold and flu. Catnip You can make teas and use this in salads and chew well for some relief. It stimulates sweat and helps reduce fever. However, this natural remedy for cold and flu is not recommended for pregnant women. Cowslip The roots of this plant are a very effective expectorant and help in reducing congestion.
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3 Herbal Remedies for Erectile Dysfunction

3 Herbal Remedies for Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction, otherwise known as impotence, is a condition that many individuals suffer from at least once in their life. According to medical professionals, an individual would be considered to be suffering from erectile dysfunction if the concerned symptoms last for longer than two to three weeks and even continue to persist over the span of a few months. There are many natural remedies for dealing with erectile dysfunction and even completely recovering from. The herbs mentioned below are often found in an individual’s home also. Some of the remedies and the moderation in which to use them are discussed below: Yohimbine It comes from the barks of trees that grow in West African forests. This particular herb has gained immense popularity in the region due to its effectiveness as a natural remedy for erectile dysfunction. Despite side effects like mild headaches and accentuated sweating, the herb has proved to increase libido in men and help maintain an erection for a significantly longer time. Yohimbine is generally taken in a powder form mixed with the food in quantities less than 10 milligrams at a time. DHEA DHEA stands for Dehydroepiandrosterone and is a hormone that is produced it the human body naturally and it can be converted into estrogens and testosterone with the help is certain kinds of diet.
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4 Lifestyle Tips to Keep Asthma Under Control

4 Lifestyle Tips to Keep Asthma Under Control

A wide population in the country is affected by asthma. While the initial symptoms through an asthma attack might seem under control, they can be terribly scary and have serious consequences if the required devices and help are not available in the next few moments. Hence, it is important for patients suffering from asthma and the people around them to understand lifestyle tips for managing asthma so that they can immediately jump into action without panic in dire moments. While there is no complete cure for the condition, there are different ways in which asthma can always be kept under control. Herein, we provide four essential lifestyle tips for managing asthma. Being Regular with Asthma Medication There is a class of medications known as the asthma preventer or controller medications that are prescribed to asthma patients by the doctor. Individuals sometimes consider that these medications can be skipped when they don’t notice any symptoms as such but that is not the case. One thing that should be noted about asthma is that it is a long-term or chronic condition. Once the individual is diagnosed with the condition, they would always have the condition whether the symptoms are actively being displayed or not.
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4 Major Risk Factors of Prostate Cancer

4 Major Risk Factors of Prostate Cancer

The prostate is a part of the reproductive system in men. When cancer develops in this particular gland, the condition is known as prostate cancer. While cancer grows slowly in most cases, there are scenarios wherein there is aggressive growth of cancer cells, so much so that the tumor spreads to other parts of the body at a rapid pace. The chances that the condition can get cured depends upon how fast the condition gets diagnosed. Prostate cancer is known to be the second most common cause of death caused by a type of cancer in men in the country. In their lifetime, at least 1 in 7 men could get diagnosed with prostate cancer and every 1 in 39 could be prone to death because of it. As such, taking note of the top risk factors that lead to the development of prostate cancer can be helpful to understand where one stands. The top risk factors contributing to the development of prostate cancer are discussed herein. Age After the age of 50, men are known to be at a higher risk to develop prostate cancer. In more than 80% of the cases of prostate cancer, the men have been found to be above the age of 65.
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5 Early Warning Signs of a Urinary Tract Infection

5 Early Warning Signs of a Urinary Tract Infection

Urine consists of the excess water and waste products filtered out from the blood by the kidneys. The color of urine can range from pale yellow to dark amber, depending on the ratio of water to waste products. Pale yellow or clear urine are considered normal and healthy. Now, there are many causes for the change of urine color, and most of these reasons are harmless ones. But, sometimes, a change in urine color can signify an underlying health issue and could be one of the early warning signs of a urinary tract infection (UTI). Those suffering from a urinary tract infection (UTI) may notice cloudy urine with traces of blood. Some of the early warning signs of UTI can be noticed in the urine color and pattern. These signs or patterns when may signify an underlying problem in the urinary tract. Painful urination Also called Dysuria, painful urination is a classic sign that one may have a UTI. They may experience mild pain and a burning or sharp-stinging discomfort while urinating. Sudden Urge to Urinate Those suffering from a urinary tract infection may feel the need to urinate immediately. They will find themselves rushing to the restroom frequently and suddenly.
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A Guide to the Staging System for Multiple Myeloma

A Guide to the Staging System for Multiple Myeloma

Every type of cancer needs to be classified and understood in the form of stages. This helps the doctors treating the condition understand the situation where the patient is at with more ease and it also conveys a lot of information through little details. Hence, the classification of cancer into different stages based on its progression is extremely important. Myeloma and its staging can also similarly tell your physician as to how much the disease is affecting the individual and how it could further progress. There are different ways in which multiple myeloma has been classified into various stages. There are two types of classification systems for multiple myeloma that are widely popular, and one of them is the international staging system. Factors Considered for Staging The different stages of multiple myeloma in this system are classified on the basis of two blood tests, whose results further help in dividing the condition into different stages. These tests measure various substances in the blood. The substances looked for the sake of this classification are albumin, beta-2 microglobulin, and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) Stage 1 In this stage, the quantities of the above substances exist in the following range: Quantity of albumin present in the blood should be greater than 3.5 grams in each decilitre for the condition to qualify to be in this stage.
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Common Contraception Methods and Their Effectiveness

Common Contraception Methods and Their Effectiveness

Contraception is the process of stopping the sperm from reaching the eggs, which helps avoid pregnancy. Compared to older times, parents worldwide are more goal-oriented and better planned with their lives. And science has played its part in controlling the birth rate. There are advanced contraception methods that help people with better family planning. Science has advanced drastically in the past century, and most of today’s common methods of contraception are effective over 99 percent however it is entirely on how it is being used or administered. The most common contraception methods are Long-acting reversible contraception (LARC) This is one of the most effective types of contraception methods. It is of two types: an intrauterine device (IUD), which is either a copper- or hormone-based T-shaped device placed in the uterus, and implants, which are two tiny rods implanted into the arm of the women to generate hormone progestogen. While IUDs aim at stopping the sperms to reach the eggs, implants stop the body from releasing the egg for conception. The success rate for both methods is over 99 percent. Barrier Methods One of the most common methods of contraception is the barrier method, or simply, the usage of condoms. There are two types of condoms, i.e., internal and external, and they’re both easily available across pharmacies and supermarkets.
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Best and Worst Foods for Maintaining Oral Hygiene

Best and Worst Foods for Maintaining Oral Hygiene

Oral hygiene plays a big role in the body’s overall health. A healthier mouth can help a person avoid the risk of heart issues such as stroke, heart attack and help control diabetes. Eating habits also contribute to the welfare of the person. Eating habits do not necessarily mean, what is consumed rather it also works upon how it is consumed. A person with a healthier eating habit reduces the chances of developing a bad tooth, which can form the gateway to other diseases entering the body, Foods That Promote Oral Health As part of our gum care tips for better oral health, here are some foods your diet must comprise: Omega-3-rich Nuts and Seeds Omega 3s enriched sources such as macadamia nuts, pistachios, sesame seeds are essential for a nutrient-dense diet. Omega-3s are anti-inflammatory helping gum care. Fatty Fish Salmon, herring, and mackerel are excellent sources of omega-3s and have anti-inflammatory effects on the body and are great for the immune system. Grass-fed Beef The collagen in grass-fed beef fights gum disease. Enriched with omega-3s, adding it to your diet is one of the most important gum care tips for better oral health. Chicken It contains CoQ10 and collagen, which helps to fight gum diseases.
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Alternative Lifestyle Changes to Manage ADHD

Alternative Lifestyle Changes to Manage ADHD

There is a rampant increase in the number of people – both children and adults – being diagnosed with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). ADHD makes it difficult to stay seated, concentrate, listen, retain, process or recall information, which are all the skills required by children to get through an average day at school or for adults to manage their work life. While technology is commonly blamed for this, irrespective of the cause, it does certainly exacerbate symptoms. Doctors believe that the rise in numbers is simply because we are better at diagnosing it than in previous years. The most common treatment plan is a combination of medication and cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). Most ADHD medications are stimulants, which come with side effects that affect sleep, cause mood swings, anxiety and depression, headaches, dizziness, increase blood pressure, decrease appetites, etc. Cognitive-behavioral therapy focuses on managing everyday challenges – from time management, organization skills, developing social intelligence, handling anxiety, and depression. Essentially, trying to equip people with the necessary skills to navigate life. Recent research and clinical observations have shown the positive impact of alternative lifestyles in managing ADHD. These include: Mindful meditation This helps reduce hyperactivity and inattentiveness as well as manage other problems that usually coexist with ADHD, like anxiety and depression.
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Foods to Avoid When Treating Osteoporosis

Foods to Avoid When Treating Osteoporosis

The treatment for osteoporosis depends upon a wide variety of lifestyle factors. These factors, like physical exercise and diet, have the capability of greatly affecting the condition for the better or the worse. When deciding on an action plan for the treatment for osteoporosis, it’s important for those to be completely aware of what’s helpful for relieving the symptoms with ease and living a normal lifestyle. Certain foods that can worsen the condition of osteoporosis and make the individual weaker for having consumed them. It’s imperative that these food are avoided at all costs as some of them deteriorate the health of an osteoporosis patient. A few prime examples of these foods are Salty Foods Consumption of food products with a high quantity of salt and sodium can be extremely harmful to the patients suffering from osteoporosis. It leads to the loss of calcium and further causes bone loss. Controlling the amount of salt and sodium can be done by limiting the amount of processed food and canned goods that are consumed in a day. Also, the amount of salt being used in some foods can be recorded. If the sodium level in a particular product comprises over 20% of the complete nutritional value, then it should be avoided.
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