How to Treat Gout Effectively at Home

How to Treat Gout Effectively at Home

Gout is an arthritis-related health disorder caused by excess uric acid in the blood. The uric acid in the blood forms crystals in the joints and tendons. This causes inflammation and sudden bouts of pain, which can sometimes be excruciating. Modern medicine offers medications like corticosteroids that reduce uric acid in the blood. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are prescribed to fight inflammation. Sometimes, these medications can cause side effects. Thankfully, natural remedies exist. Here are a few natural substances that help with gout relief: Apple cider vinegar This liquid is an alkaline substance that balances the body’s pH balance. The root cause of gout is the pH imbalance in the body when the body becomes acidic (acidosis) due to an improper diet and other causes. Sipping a mixture of 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with water or by itself in one go daily, will help reduce the pain. Baking soda Drinking half a teaspoon of baking soda in 8 ounces (235 ml) of water a day relieves gout pain almost instantly. The quantity of baking soda may be increased to 3 teaspoons a day. However, people with high blood pressure should be careful, as baking soda may cause hypertension.
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How to Prevent and Treat Acne Naturally

How to Prevent and Treat Acne Naturally

A trip to a certified skincare specialist or dermatologist can help you find out your skin type. A professional will recommend medication and topical creams only if acne is severe and the breakout is uncontrollable. Otherwise, they will give you very mild creams, lotions, and tips to prevent and treat acne without medication. If you are prone to acne, follow these tips. However, visit a doctor if it becomes painful or if they are infected and causing pain. These tips can be helpful for all ages and types of acne: Stop overdoing exfoliation In an attempt to remove acne, people tend to exfoliate with a zillion products available in the market. If one doesn’t help, then you buy the next one. Sometimes this cycle becomes tough to break. Too much and frequent use of exfoliating creams and face masks can cause your healthy skin to break out even more. It can also lead to irritation, swelling, and redness. Do not exfoliate more than twice a week. Use clean towels only Do not use used towels to wipe your face. Even if they are dry, they could host millions of bacteria that can increase acne or infect your skin. Always wash your towels in hot water and add a disinfectant to make sure that they are clean.
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Effective Home Remedies to Treat Eczema in Children

Effective Home Remedies to Treat Eczema in Children

Eczema is a type of atopic dermatitis, an inflammatory skin condition that makes your skin itchy, red, and inflamed. It’s a common condition that can occur at any age, but usually becomes apparent during early childhood. Eczema often develops in red, inflamed itchy patches of skin behind the knees and on the arms, but it can appear almost anywhere on the body. The key to reducing eczema flare ups in children is to avoid common triggers (i.e., harsh soaps and clothing, etc.) as much as possible. The following home remedies can also help to soothe and comfort your little one: 1. Colloidal oatmeal baths This is a bath treatment that can be purchased at the pharmacy or local grocery store. The bath treatment is added to the bathwater and the affected areas can soak for the recommended time. This treatment is very effective, especially if there is extreme itchiness in the areas. The oats used to make the bath are naturally anti-inflammatory and decrease site swelling. 2. Aloe vera gel You can use the plant itself by cutting a leaf open and applying the gel directly to the affected area. You can also purchase the aloe vera gel in a bottle or spray can and apply as directed.
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Top Tips to Get Rid of a Migraine

Top Tips to Get Rid of a Migraine

A migraine is a severe headache that is throbbing or pulsating in nature. Doctors diagnose a patient with migraines if they have had five or more severe headaches lasting 4 to 72 hours, and are so painful they impair normal daily activities. Some migraine symptoms include sensitivity to light, vomiting, nausea, and sensitivity to sound. There are some remedies for this headache disorder that have been approved by a migraine specialist: 1. Try a cold pack People have been using ice to cure headaches for over 150 years, as it has been a go to remedy for pain relief. According to a study in 2013, using a frozen neck wrap was found to dramatically decrease the amount of pain from migraines. The science behind this is that the cold pack is slowing the flow of blood in the neck, which helps decrease the information in the brain, and can help with migraine pain relief. 2. Drink some caffeine Caffeine has shown to be an effective way to help with migraines, which is why it is a popular ingredient in most pain relievers. It helps to decrease the inflammation, and when used with other headache relieving medicines, can help relieve the pain faster, and can keep the pain away longer.
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How to Choose the Right Osteoporosis Medication

How to Choose the Right Osteoporosis Medication

Osteoporosis is a bone disease characterized by weak, thinning bones. “Osteoporosis” literally means porous bones. As we grow older, bone tissue is not replaced as quickly as it’s lost. The symptoms of osteoporosis include a gradual loss of height and a stooped posture, back pain, and bone fractures caused by minor injuries. These fractures usually occur in the spine, hip, and wrist. Most osteoporosis treatments work in one of two ways: they either slow down the breakdown of bone tissue or speed up bone replacement. While osteoporosis is a severe and possibly debilitating disease, medications are available to treat osteoporosis and prevent further bone loss. Here are five treatments for osteoporosis: 1. Prolia (denosumab) When bone density is low, your risk of fractures goes up. Prolia denosumab prevents the natural breakdown of bone, reducing the risk of bone fractures. Because of the side effects, it is usually prescribed by your doctor after other treatments were not tolerated or were not working well. 2. Biophosphonates This one of the medications is usually one of the first choices for treatment. It is prescribed to help to prevent further bone loss. It can be given as a weekly or monthly pill or by intravenous infusion.
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Brain Foods That Help You Improve Concentration

Brain Foods That Help You Improve Concentration

Brain health and diet are intertwined. A healthy brain involves positives such as concentration and memory. It also helps prevent cognitive decline and diseases such as dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Eating for brain health is about identifying good foods and incorporating them into your daily diet, along with brain boosting vitamins that support memory and concentration. The following include some superfoods for brain health and concentration: 1. Fatty fish These are fish found in colder waters. It is their exposure to the cold that makes them a healthy food. They include tuna, mackerel, and salmon. Omega-3 fatty acids are the reason for including fatty fish in a brain healthy diet. The acids protect the membranes surrounding brain cells. There is evidence of increased blood flow to the brain when consuming these fish. They are necessary for good brain health and avoiding declines that lead to dementia. Another benefit is lower levels of beta-amyloid. This is the protein which produces clumps in the brains of Alzheimer’s patients. 2. Coffee It is the caffeine that promotes brain health. The substance improves the ability to stay alert and concentrate. It also provides some protection against the adverse effects of dementia and Alzheimer’s. Remember to regulate your use as too much caffeine can inhibit the body’s need for rest.
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Signs and Symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis

Signs and Symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a condition marked by immune and neurological disruptions. The exact cause is not known, but doctors consider multiple sclerosis an autoimmune disease that impacts the brain as well as the spinal cord and causes several mental and physical disabilities. Early signs of MS include balance, speech and hearing issues, painful involuntary muscle contractions and uncontrollable shaking or tremors. The signs and symptoms of multiple sclerosis manifest themselves in different ways depending on the person. The following are some of the common symptoms of MS: 1. Vision problems One of the most common symptoms of multiple sclerosis is vision problems. MS affects the optic nerve and patients sometimes feel pain when looking up or from side or side, experiencing blurred vision, double vision, central vision disruption and complete vision loss. 2. Tingling and numbness People with multiple sclerosis experience numbness or a tingling sensation in different parts of their face, body, arms and legs. This is an early and among the most common symptoms of MS. 3. Pains and spasms Painful muscular spasms, muscle stiffness all over the body, clinically significant or chronic pain and pain during involuntary and voluntary muscle movement in the legs and Other extremities can make walking difficult for people with multiple sclerosis.
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6 Symptoms of HIV

6 Symptoms of HIV

Human immunodeficiency virus (or HIV) is a disease that attacks the immune system. When untreated, HIV kills the CD4 cells exposing the body to serious health conditions and extreme levels of cancer. The virus is transmitted to the body through bodily fluids such as blood, breast milk, semen, vaginal and rectal fluids. HIV progresses in three stages: Acute stage, which is the first few weeks following transmission Clinical latency stage AIDS Progression of HIV from the acute stage to AIDS (or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) varies from one person to the other depending on one’s adherence to treatment and lifestyle choices. The early stages of HIV come with flu-like symptoms called an acute retro-viral syndrome. These symptoms appear within the first one or two months of infection and could sometimes appear within two weeks. The symptoms often disappear between one week and a month, the reason why they are misinterpreted as other viral infections. It is important to go testing immediately if you believe you’ve been exposed to HIV, or if you experience any of the following symptoms: 1. Fever This is one of the first symptoms you might experience. It is backed up by other symptoms such as a sore throat, swollen lymph glands, and fatigue.
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Smells That Cause Migraines

Smells That Cause Migraines

Migraine headaches are a neurological condition that can present with many different symptoms with the most common being intense and often debilitating pain. Sufferers of migraines may also experience numbness in the extremities, nausea, vomiting, visual disturbances, difficulty speaking, and sensitivity to light and sound. Some people are more sensitive to certain migraine triggers than others but some of the most common contributing factors are often strong smells: 1. Cigarette smoke Cigarette smoke is a common migraine trigger. Some people are actually allergic to it while others are just sensitive to the smell itself. Sometimes just walking past an ashtray can trigger a migraine in those who are particularly sensitive. The act of smoking itself is also known to be a trigger for migraines because it causes blood vessels to contract and results in decreased blood flow to the brain. 2. Food odors While food odors may not cause a migraine themselves they may make certain symptoms worse if you have one. Cooking food, raw meat, and other strong smells associated with food can cause a migraine sufferer increased nausea. 3. Perfumes Perfumes are one of the most common migraine triggers and those who suffer from migraines often choose to avoid wearing them or at least avoid those that have a strong scent.
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How to Straighten Crooked Teeth

How to Straighten Crooked Teeth

Crooked teeth are not only unsightly for others, they can be physically and aesthetically damaging for the person inflicted by them. Poor dental health can lead to overall health issues like gum disease, headaches, and even heart problems. Localized issues can include weak teeth, TMJ, difficulty chewing, bad breath, and issues keeping them clean. The psychological impacts might be the worst part. Self-esteem and self-image can be drastically affected by bad teeth. This can make social interaction embarrassing and stressful. Additional stress is always an overall health concern, not just mental health: 1. Clear aligners Clear aligners for teeth can help correct several types of tooth crookedness. They are removable and are designed for convenience and flexibility. Being clear and difficult to see is an attractive feature for many people. One downside to clear aligners is cost. They also need to be worn a minimum of 22 hours a day. The changing of clear aligners can cause mouth pain. A Popular option for clear aligners is: Smile Direct: Convenience is the biggest perk for this type of teeth straightening. After the initial 3D modeling, follow-up appointments are very minimal. Kits are sent to your home and treatment can last as little as six months.
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