Various Types of Anemia

Various Types of Anemia

Anemia occurs when the red blood cells (RBCs) are unable to carry oxygen to the vital organs in the body, which, in turn, affects how they function. Hemoglobin, the red pigment in the red blood cells, which carries the oxygen plays a huge role. Anemia due to iron deficiency Anemia caused by iron-deficiency is the most common type of anemia. It occurs when the body does not produce the required amount of healthy red blood cells or produces imperfect blood cells. Iron-deficiency anemia occurs when the body does not contain enough iron. The human body requires iron to manufacture hemoglobin. The symptoms of iron deficiency anemia are fatigue, weakness, dizziness, headaches, and pale or yellow skin. Doctors may recommend iron pills to help build up your iron levels; however, there are sources of iron such as oysters, beef liver, and lean beef. Vegans can opt for cereals and bread with added iron, lentils, beans, dark chocolate, and dark, green leafy vegetables. Anemia due to vitamin B12 deficiency Vitamin B12 deficiency reflects that the body is lacking or producing lesser amounts of vitamins. Vitamin B12 is required to produce red blood cells, which carries oxygen through your body, leading to anemia.
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4 Effective Treatments for Melanoma

4 Effective Treatments for Melanoma

Melanoma is the type of cancer that develops in the pigment-forming cells of the body known as melanocytes. Melanoma can be detected in its early changes as its symptoms cause changes in the appearance of the skin. The common symptoms are a mole or skin with lesions that have asymmetrical borders, itch, scale, and increase size. As melanoma is not painful, individuals need to consult a doctor if a new pigmented spot or any change in existing moles are observed. There are a few methods to avoid melanoma. Avoiding UV rays that can cause significant damage is the most important aspect here. This can be done by inculcating the habit of applying SPF 30 every day at regular intervals and using protective clothing, sunglasses, and hats. As a rule of thumb, it is better to avoid exposure to the sun at peak hours. In addition to this, indoor tanning has shown to increase the risk of developing melanoma by 75%. Avoiding tanning beds can thereby be one of the effective prevention methods for melanoma. In some cases, melanoma can advance and progress to more serious stages. If melanoma has spread beyond the skin, the following treatment options can be used:
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Colon Cancer – Staging and Chemotherapy

Colon Cancer – Staging and Chemotherapy

There are several methods to stage colon cancer. TNM classifications and Duke’s staging methods are the most common. The TNM classification is more precise as “T” represents tumors. Cancer is classified, depending on the depth of the tumor’s invasion into the bowel wall. “N” stands for lymph nodes and is ranked according to the number of lymph nodes affected and if it has spread. “M” relates to the tumor and if it has spread to other distant organs. Duke’s classification divides the colon and rectal cancers into three stages, namely A, B, and C colon cancers. Type A cancers are confined to the muscular lining of the wall of the intestine. When cancer has spread beyond the muscular layer of the bowel wall, it is type B cancer. Type C cancer, on the other hand, would be the type that has spread to the lymph nodes and beyond. Most often, the cancer tumor at stage 1 is classified as Duke’s A lesion, as it is confined to the bowel wall. Stage 2 cancer tumors would be classified as Duke’s B lesion, as it would have grown beyond the muscular layer of the bowel wall. In stage, it is considered as a Duke’s C lesion where the colon cancer spreads to the lymph nodes.
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Medications and Treatments of Hemophilia

Medications and Treatments of Hemophilia

Hemophilia is one of the most complicated diseases in the world. It is known to affect one in every 10,000 people. Hemophilia causes an inability in which the blood cannot clot. Therefore, the intensity of the symptoms of hemophilia would depend on the level of clotting factors present. Some of the symptoms that occur due to spontaneous bleeding are deep/large bruises, unexplained bleeding after vaccinations, excessive bleeding post-dental operations or other surgeries, injuries and cuts, unexplained nosebleeds, and pain and swelling in the joints. If the condition becomes more severe, tiny bumps in the head can also lead to bleeding in the brain. While this is rare, the symptoms that help in detecting this include repeated vomiting, prolonged headaches, double vision, seizures, lethargy, and sudden weakness. There are treatment options that can prevent individuals from reaching that stage. The various medications and products used for the treatment of hemophilia are: Recombinant factor concentrates This is a type of clotting factor concentrate that is used in replacement therapy for patients. This clotting factor is not made from human plasma and has been approved by the FDA. The first concentrate to be approved is also known as recombinant factor VIII (8). With the help of DNA technology, this factor has been prepared through genetic engineering.
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Staging of Colon Cancer with the TNM System

Staging of Colon Cancer with the TNM System

Apart from the numbered stages, there is also a system known as the TNM staging method developed by the American Joint Committee on Cancer. The initial staging is given at the time of diagnosis. The stages could be changed or updated based on the condition of the patient and the improvement or progression of the condition. In the TNM staging method, these three alphabets denote where or how far cancer or the tumor has spread. Though colon cancer is also staged with numbers, TNM staging is widely used to prepare reports, like pathological reports. Most cancers have a similar staging system except the brain, spinal cord, and blood cancer, as they have different parameters of staging. What does TNM stand for? T : This is the initial stage or size of the primary tumor in the colon when it is diagnosed. Stage T also means that cancer has spread to the wall of the colon and nearby tissues. N: When a person is said to have colon cancer Stage N, it implies that cancer has spread from the colon to the nearby lymph nodes in the colon or rectum. M: Stage M of colon cancer is serious and implies that cancer has spread beyond the colon to the other organs and of the body.
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Targeted Therapy Used for the Treatment of Kidney Cancer

Targeted Therapy Used for the Treatment of Kidney Cancer

Based on how far the tumor has spread and its size, kidney cancer is majorly divided into four stages. Stage 1 and 2 of kidney cancer indicate how big the tumor is and its location. Stage 2, however, also shows how much the tumor has grown in size. If the tumor spreads to a major vein, a different organ, or the lymph nodes, then cancer is known to reach Stage 3 or 4. Stage 4 is the most advanced stage where the adrenal gland attached to the kidney is affected. The lymph system or other parts of the body are also affected by the tumor at this stage. One of the major treatment options for kidney cancer is targeted therapy that majorly functions by blocking new blood vessels or proteins that encourage the growth of cancer. Targeted medicines are used when chemotherapy isn’t efficient enough. Some of these medicines include: Sorafenib This medicine functions by blocking various tyrosine kinases. It helps improve the condition by blocking the growth of various agents and blood vessels that contribute to the growth of cancer cells. This medicine is taken in the form of a pill and is given to the patient twice every day.
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The Symptoms of Different Types of Lymphocytic Leukemia

The Symptoms of Different Types of Lymphocytic Leukemia

Leukemia can be classified into different types based on the type of blood cell that has been affected. Lymphocytic leukemia represents a class of leukemia in which white blood cells, also known as lymphocytes, are affected. Leukemia is also classified along with the originating cell type and the pace at which the condition progresses. If the progression of leukemia is at a rapid pace, then the condition would be deemed to be acute. On the other hand, if the condition progresses at a slow pace, then it would be called chronic. Some types of lymphocytic leukemia and their symptoms are as follows: Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia (ALL) This type of cancer has a rapid progression. This type of cancer arises in the blood and bone marrow. Bone marrow, a soft tissue inside the bones, produces blood cells. When affected by acute lymphocytic leukemia, the bone marrow ends up creating many immature blood cells instead of mature blood cells. Abdominal swelling, SVC syndrome, and enlargement of lymph nodes are some of the symptoms. Through the evolution of acute lymphocytic leukemia, the count of red blood cells eventually reduces. This leads to the development of a wide variety of symptoms such as: Recurring infections which do no heal Weakness Tired feeling Feeling lightheaded and dizzy A pale complexion Shortness of breath Purple or red spots on the skin that appear as bruises Bleeding in different forms such as heavy menstrual bleeding in women, bleeding gums, and nosebleeds Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL) This condition is slow-growing and originates in the bone marrow and then slowly spreads to the blood.
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Types and Symptoms of Thyroid Disease

Types and Symptoms of Thyroid Disease

Symptoms of thyroid diseases vary, depending on the type of disease. However, in some diseases the nodules may remain asymptomatic without causing any discomfort. The symptoms may vary based on the characteristic of the underlying disease. The various thyroid diseases and their symptoms are: Grave’s disease Grave’s disease is an immune system disorder which causes hyperthyroidism leading to high levels of thyroid hormone production. Hyperthyroidism causes some of the following symptoms: High levels of thyroid hormone causes rapid or irregular heartbeat, high pulse rate, nervousness, and anxiety. Hyperthyroidism may also cause excessive sweating. Tremors may occur in the hands and legs. Some people experience an increase in their appetite, which is abnormal. Unexplained weight loss may also be seen. Increased levels of thyroid hormone may cause clammy skin, irritability, and sleeplessness. Bulging of the eyes is a typical symptom of Grave’s disease as well. Diarrhea or frequent bowel movements are also symptoms of hyperthyroidism. Altered menstrual cycle may be experienced by women with high levels of thyroid hormone. Goiter is also caused by hyperthyroidism. Hashimoto’s disease Hashimoto’s disease is an autoimmune disease which leads to the gradual destruction of the thyroid gland, causing hypothyroidism. This condition restricts the production of thyroid hormone.
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Treatment Methods for Oral Cancer

Treatment Methods for Oral Cancer

There are various types of cancer treatments. The treatment is decided based on a wide variety of factors. Most of these factors are explained by the stage at which cancer is present. The doctor may run a few tests to understand the stage of cancer and the individual needs to understand the seriousness of the situation, the extent to which the tumor has spread, and certain elaborate details about the tumor. This will help craft an action plan. Based on the stage that oral cancer is at, the treatment options available for individuals are as follows: Stage 0 At this stage, cancer is only present on the surface layers and will spread to other parts if not treated immediately. The treatment plan here is usually surgery in which the affected tissue will be removed along with a small margin around it. The specific treatment options that can be chosen are surgical stripping, Mohs surgery, or thin resection. Follow-up post this surgery is of utmost importance. In case the cancer recurs, radiation therapy can be used. Stage 1 & 2 Patients who have been affected by oral cancer in these stages have been observed to react well when treated with surgery and/or radiation therapy.
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Alcohol and Substance Abuse – The Effective Treatment Options

Alcohol and Substance Abuse – The Effective Treatment Options

Millions undergo treatment for alcohol and substance abuse. There are innumerable treatment options available for these addictions, as it is a well-researched field. All you need to do is ask for help. Moreover, if you intend to lead a healthier life, following through will be much easier. However, there is no denying that treatment options could be overwhelming at first. Before we explore the options for treatment, here are some things that you need to understand: How does one know that they have an addiction? When it comes to diagnosis, the term “addiction” is obsolete. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders have recently added that the term “addiction” should be used. According to them, one should use “disorders” instead of addiction. The top three symptoms of alcohol and substance abuse are: The need for more of the substance in order to achieve the desired effect You experience withdrawal symptoms when you stop using them You find it difficult to quit despite knowing its repercussions When should you begin looking for treatment options? Two factors have to be mainly taken into consideration. One is how severe the condition is (mild to severe) and the severity of the symptoms. If these two parameters show on the heavier side of the spectrum, one cannot afford the delay.
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