The 5 Worst Foods For Asthma

The 5 Worst Foods For Asthma

Living with asthma can be a challenging task. The coughing, wheezing and shortness of breath can impact your activities in daily life. A bout can come on suddenly, and then, long stretches may pass with no symptoms. If you feel you’re depending on your asthma medication a bit too much, take a close look at the foods you eat, which may be contributing to increased symptoms:

1. Dairy products
Milk and other dairy products have long had a reputation for increasing the amount of mucus that is produced by the body. Research has found that this is not the case. However, individuals with asthma may also have food sensitivities that trigger respiratory symptoms that increase the risk of an asthma attack. All products containing milk, yogurt or cheese may be a problem for you. It’s a good strategy to avoid dairy items if you find that they contribute to more frequent asthma symptoms.

2. Acidic foods and drinks
Although citrus fruits are full of important nutrients and antioxidants, they can also be troublesome for people with asthma. Oranges, grapefruits, limes and lemons can trigger symptoms. Even bottled lemon or lime juices can pose a problem. Tomatoes have acidic properties that can cause asthma symptoms. If you have frequent bouts of asthma, make a point of avoiding these foods.

3. Carbonated beverages
Another way to reduce the frequency of asthma symptoms is to eliminate carbonated beverages. The carbonation in these drinks stays in the abdominal cavity, reducing the amount of space needed for good lung function. People with asthma already have problems with good lung capacity, so decreasing the amount of space available for lung inflation can create more problems. Also, the sugar in carbonated drinks can increase inflammation, which can also affect breathing.

4. Cold cuts and deli meats
Grabbing a sandwich to eat on the go or during your busy day is a great convenience, but it can also trigger uncomfortable asthma symptoms. Studies show that cured and processed meats are linked to more frequent asthma attacks and symptoms. This effect occurs because of high levels of salt, nitrites and other preservatives in the meat. So, if you’re trying to reduce asthma symptoms and use of asthma medication, eliminate cured and processed cold cuts from your diet.

5. Salty foods
Foods that contain a large amount of salt can be another issue for those with asthma. Research has found that salt activates production of an enzyme that increases inflammation in the body. Salt also increases the volume of blood in blood vessels in the lungs, making it more difficult to breathe. If you would like to lessen asthma symptoms, try avoiding salt in your diet, and you may notice a big improvement.

Many individuals find that implementing a few dietary changes can help to reduce your reliance on asthma medications. These changes, along with use of a quiet pure air filter for asthma, can make a significant impact on the frequency of symptoms and an improvement in your quality of life.