Major Cancer Treatments and Their Side Effects

Major Cancer Treatments and Their Side Effects

Major Cancer Treatments and Their Side Effects

The body contains trillions of cells and they are the primary reason for all the functions of the body, from converting the nutrients in the food to energy, creating the structure of life. Cells recreate themselves into two identical cells and thus multiple in a controlled manner however when the recreation process is jeopardized, cells multiply drastically creating a cluster of abnormal cells known as a tumor. Certain types of tumors do not spread and are dormant however when they spread to other parts of the body, they are termed cancerous.

When cancer spread through the body, they create multiple tumors that outnumber the healthy cells affecting the functions of the body. This can result in organ failure and hence can be fatal.

Types of Cancer
Some of the most common types of cancers are of the

  • Liver
  • Breast
  • Colon
  • Stomach
  • Lungs

These types have the highest fatality rate across the globe.

Treatments for cancer
There are several types of treatment available in modern times. A doctor may prescribe one of the treatments based on the severity of cancer or can combine treatments for better results.

  • Chemotherapy
    Chemotherapy is one of the most common treatments for most cancers. Medication is provided to the patient to destroy the cancer cells. There are two types of chemotherapy:
  • Traditional
    Chemo medicines are injected into a vein or the muscle under the skin. Certain procedures involve using ointment or creams to be applied onto the skin
  • Oral
    Medications in the form of liquid, tablet or capsule are provided orally however not all medication can be provided orally.

The main side effects of this type of cancer treatment are

    • Diarrhea
    • Fatigue
    • Hair loss
    • Nerve damage
    • Nausea
    • Pain
    • Sores in the mouth
  • Radiation Therapy
    It’s one of the treatments used to treat cancer. Radiation at higher levels is focused on the body cells, which causes the cells to be destroyed by affecting the cell DNA. Once the DNA is damaged, a cell would be unable to multiply and the body disposes of them. There are two types of radiation therapy:
  • Internal Radiation
    A solid or liquid source of radiation is placed in the body. While the solid radioactive material treats specific places, the liquid radioactive material travels through the body identifying cancerous cells and destroys them
  • External Radiation
    Machines are used to direct radiation on the affected area of the body to destroy the cancerous cells.

The main side effects of this cancer treatment are

    • Pain post-procedure
    • Fatigue
    • Skin rashes
    • Dry mouth
  • Surgery
    Surgical intervention to remove a tumor can be advised by the doctor on the basis of the location and severity of the cancer cells. Surgery can also be administered to understand the severity of cancer. It is one of the most effective methods to cure patients affected with cancer. As with most surgeries, side effects can be felt. The main side effects of this cancer treatment are

    • Pain
    • Weakness
    • Appetite loss
    • Swelling
    • Numbness
    • Bleeding