Lifestyle Remedies for Acid Reflux and GERD
Acid reflux and heartburn are experienced by millions of people all over the world. What we often fail to realize is that a few simple lifestyle changes can be equally effective in treating symptoms of heartburn and acid reflux. To improve the quality of your lifestyle, just a few changes in your dietary habits and the way you sleep may have a significant reduction in the symptoms of acid reflux that you face. We take a look at a few effective natural ways that you can remedy your lifestyle to have a positive impact on preventing symptoms of acid reflux:
Follow a Low-Carb Diet
Studies have shown that a low-carb diet may keep symptoms of acid reflux and GERD at bay. This is mainly due to the fact that the undigested carbohydrates in the stomach may cause bacterial growth which elevates the pressure inside the abdomen, thereby causing heartburn. You feel gassy and bloated when you have too many undigested carbs in your digestive system, and you also tend to belch more often. Intake of an antibiotic may help significantly reduce acid reflux and symptoms of GERD, by decreasing the number of gas-producing bacteria. This diet is one of the most effective natural remedies for acid reflux and GERD.
Limit your Alcohol intake
Consumption of alcohol may increase your symptoms of acid reflux and GERD. Alcohol further aggregates the symptoms of acid reflux by increasing the stomach acid, thereby relaxing the lower esophageal sphincter and thus impairing the ability of the esophagus to clear itself of all the acids. Acid reflux in healthy individuals can be caused even with the consumption of a moderate amount of alcohol.
Drink less Coffee
Coffee also has the ability to temporarily weaken the lower esophageal sphincter, thereby increasing the risk of acid reflux and symptoms of GERD.
Chew Gum
Chewing gum can actually reduce acidity in the esophagus as gum contains bicarbonate which is especially effective when it comes to treating acid reflux. Gum increases the production of saliva which helps to clear the esophagus of all the unwanted acid in it.
Limit Carbonated Beverages
Patients with GERD are quite often asked by doctors to limit their intake of carbonated drinks, as these drinks are associated with increased acid reflux symptoms. The main reason is the carbon dioxide gas that is present in these carbonated beverages that cause people to belch more often. This can lead to an increase in the amount of acid escaping into the esophagus.
Elevate your Head While Lying Down
For some people, the symptoms of acid reflux that occur at night. Studies have shown that elevating your head off the bed can help reduce symptoms of acid reflux quite effectively.
Avoid eating within Three Hours of going to Bed
Doctors advise patients with GERD to eat three hours before their bedtime. But this does not hold true for everyone as each individual reacts differently, and this is not a well-proved theory.
These effective natural remedies for acid reflux and GERD will help you deal with the symptoms with much ease.