Harmful and Toxic Foods for Dogs

Harmful and Toxic Foods for Dogs

A dogs’ metabolic processes differ from those of humans. Therefore, giving your pets certain human foods can lead to severe health problems and in some cases, pet fatalities. Feeding such foods to your dogs can also cause pet obesity, allergies, and toxicities. Here are five potentially harmful and toxic foods you need to avoid when feeding your dogs:

1. Onions and garlic
Onions and garlic contain a toxic substance known as thiosulphate. Whether in the powdered, cooked or raw form, onions and garlic are harmful food ingredients to your pets. Thiosulphate is dangerous as it harms your dog’s red blood cells hence causing anemia. While minimal quantities of the two ingredients won’t cause severe damage, feeding your dog with large amounts can be lethal. In some cases, the damage can be so severe to the extent that your dog may need a blood transfusion. In case your dog consumes onions and garlic, the symptoms to look out for include difficulties in breathing, vomiting, and weakness. If your pets are severely affected, take them to a veterinarian for a check-up.

2. Raw eggs
Excess intake of raw eggs can cause biotin deficiency in dogs. The biotin is responsible for the development of your dog’s skin and fur. Due to its benefits, biotin is used in preparation of dog food for dogs with skin allergies.

3. Meat and bones
Bones are harmful to your dogs as they can damage their teeth when chewing them. Besides, swallowing these bones can be challenging and in some cases the dogs can be choked. Small pieces of bones can also cause constipation and may puncture the dog’s digestive system. Raw meat may contain deadly bacteria that damages your dog’s stomach.

4. Chocolate
Chocolate consists of caffeine and theobromine. Dogs don’t efficiently metabolize these substances. Feeding a piece of chocolate to your dog can lead to dehydration, diarrhea, and vomiting. In some cases, the symptoms can advance into severe health issues such as heart attack, seizures or even fatalities. The seriousness of your dog’s symptoms depends on the type, size, and quantity of chocolate ingested. Darkened and less sweetened chocolates are more harmful to your pets. Studies indicate that dogs can experience side effects after consuming only 20 milligrams of chocolate per kilogram of their total body weight.

5. Caffeine
Caffeine is a dangerous substance for your dog. Since it’s a stimulant, it increases your dog’s heartbeat and affects the functioning of the nervous system. A few hours after ingesting caffeine, your dog can experience symptoms such as diarrhea, vomiting, excessive thirst and restlessness. Caffeine can also cause heart problems and lung failure, thus leading to fatality.

6. Grapes and raisins
Grapes and raisins are toxic and harmful to your dog. They lead to kidney failure that can lead to death. Toxic substances in grapes are not known, but the slightest amount can be harmful and toxic to your pets. Therefore, pet owners should avoid feeding their dogs with grapes and raisins. Dogs can consume grapes and raisins in their raw form or in baked products such as cakes or cookies. After consumption of these products, your pets can get poisoned. You should look out for symptoms such as diarrhea, vomiting, fatigue, minimal urine production and excessive thirst.

If your pet eats any of the harmful and toxic foods, ensure you get in touch with a vet as soon as possible. It is also recommended that you feed your dog with the Rachael Ray Nutrish dog food as they are safe and nutritious. Some of the harmful foods to avoid include chocolate, caffeine, grapes and raisins, raw eggs and meat, onions and garlic, and bones. Ultimately, avoiding these foods will help keep your dog healthy.