Dietary Changes for Psoriatic Arthritis

Dietary Changes for Psoriatic Arthritis

Psoriatic arthritis is a chronic inflammatory disease that predominantly occurs in patients who have earlier records of suffering from psoriasis. Psoriasis is a chronic skin disorder wherein patients suffer from the rapid growth of surface skin cells, which turn them dry and itchy. Later stages of psoriasis come with symptoms like inflammation of the painful body joints. As per physicians, the symptoms of psoriatic arthritis can be relieved with certain modifications in lifestyles and specifically in food choices.

In most cases, the foods in your daily diet are responsible for triggering the onset of allergic reactions. This further aggravates the inflammation and worsens your health condition. So, here is a list of probable healthy diets including natural foods for a psoriatic arthritis diet.

Mediterranean Diet
Time and again, medical surveys have suggested that the Mediterranean diet greatly benefits the patients suffering from psoriatic arthritis. If they strictly follow a Mediterranean diet, they benefit from reducing the symptoms to meager levels.

A Mediterranean diet comprises fresh foods like vegetables, whole grains, oils, fruits, and nuts. However, it excludes all forms of processed food, red meat, and dairy products. A cross-sectional study involving patients subjected to the Mediterranean diet for a total time of 12 weeks. Reports from this study suggest that patients lose weight and also calm the symptoms.

For the treatment of psoriatic arthritis, patients need to lose their excess pounds as excess weight adds pressure to joints. Therefore, natural foods for a psoriatic arthritis diet in the Mediterranean diet helps to benefit from it.

Gluten-free Diet
A gluten-free diet is beneficial for patients who had earlier symptoms of gluten intolerance or if physical examination suggests that gluten-rich foods aggravate the symptoms. So, a gluten-free diet is not for every patient of psoriatic arthritis. Contrary to this fact, medical research has to opine that most of the people suffering from psoriatic arthritis have gluten intolerance or suffer from celiac diseases.

Therefore, before you begin with a gluten-free diet, your allergy test should confirm it. If the test confirms that patients are sensitive to gluten, then a gluten-free diet will help. So following the gluten-free diet will significantly reduce the symptoms of psoriatic arthritis and lead to managing the disease well. A gluten-free diet will eventually omit processed foods that are wheat-based and instead include natural foods for a psoriatic arthritis diet.

Paleo Diet
As the name suggests, a paleo diet is composed of food options that naturally grown and had. This mainly includes foods that our ancestors consumed. A paleo diet benefits psoriatic arthritis by reducing its symptoms and managing body-mass index levels, lipid profile, and blood pressure. This diet lets you prefer lean meat over red meat.

Thus, paleo diet majorly comprises of natural foods for a psoriatic arthritis diet like fresh fruits and vegetables and whole grains. Thus, the diet should be rich in antioxidants and omega 3s rich foods. As a fact, clinical surveys repeatedly suggest that a healthier diet that excludes processed foods and food that causes inflammation greats impacts disease management.