Human Foods That Are Safe For Cats Health

Human Foods That Are Safe For Cats Health

It’s not uncommon for well-meaning pet parents to share their meals with their cats—after all, cats are part of the family. Unfortunately, not all human foods are safe for cats to eat. In fact, some can be downright dangerous, as they can lead to health problems like feline obesity, digestive issues, feline diabetes, and even pet toxicity, which can be fatal. However, there are some common human foods that are safe for cats to eat: 1. Salmon This fatty fish is an excellent source of protein and omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential for a healthy coat and healthy skin. Salmon is also a low-calorie food, making it a good choice for cats who are overweight or obese. This is a welcome benefit for cat owners, as obesity is one of most common health problems in cats. Besides assisting with weight management, salmon is also known for preventing inflammation. Note that you should never feed cats salmon cooked with any garlic, onions, or spices. 2. Spinach Including spinach in your cat’s diet can help keep them healthy and free from disease. This dark leafy vegetable is very rich in nutrients like iron and vitamins A, C, and K, all of which are beneficial for your cat’s health.
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8 Behaviors Dogs Use to Communicate

8 Behaviors Dogs Use to Communicate

Dogs are intelligent creatures with their own unique ways of communicating with us. These fur babies may not be able to speak, but they do communicate using verbal and non-verbal cues. From barking and growling to tilting their heads and chewing—dogs use a combination of body language and physical behaviors to let us know how they’re feeling. Whether your dog is a family pet or a service dog, like a dog that has an emotional support animal (ESA) online certification, it’s important to understand their communication. Let’s look at the eight most common behaviors dogs use to communicate with humans: 1. Howling Howling is a common form of communication in dogs and can indicate anything from loneliness and distress to joy and excitement, depending on the context and situation. It is scientifically proven that older dogs howl the most due to the distress they have caused by aging, such as losing their sight, hearing capabilities, or even dementia. It is important to keep a lookout for this sign, for your dog may need help. 2. Tilting their heads Tilting the head is often interpreted as your dog’s way of showing confusion or interest in something you’re saying or doing. Head tilting could be your dog’s way of trying to understand anything from a funny noise you made to seeing something new in their environment that has caught their attention!
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