Alcohol and Substance Abuse – The Effective Treatment Options
Millions undergo treatment for alcohol and substance abuse. There are innumerable treatment options available for these addictions, as it is a well-researched field. All you need to do is ask for help. Moreover, if you intend to lead a healthier life, following through will be much easier. However, there is no denying that treatment options could be overwhelming at first.
Before we explore the options for treatment, here are some things that you need to understand:
How does one know that they have an addiction?
When it comes to diagnosis, the term “addiction” is obsolete. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders have recently added that the term “addiction” should be used. According to them, one should use “disorders” instead of addiction.
The top three symptoms of alcohol and substance abuse are:
- The need for more of the substance in order to achieve the desired effect
- You experience withdrawal symptoms when you stop using them
- You find it difficult to quit despite knowing its repercussions
When should you begin looking for treatment options?
Two factors have to be mainly taken into consideration. One is how severe the condition is (mild to severe) and the severity of the symptoms. If these two parameters show on the heavier side of the spectrum, one cannot afford the delay. Some of the symptoms for this are:
- Incapable of limiting the consumption of drug or alcohol
- Unable to curtail the use or the attempt has been unsuccessful
- Spending considerable time on this
- Failing to perform daily functions and responsibilities
- Abandoning former interests or passions
- Drinking alcohol and abusing drugs in an unsafe environment
What are the treatment options available?
- To start with, asking for help is the first step of recovery. Reach out to your immediate family members or friends and talk about the issue. When you ask for help, it shows that you are willing to change your habits.
- Getting “real help” would mean talking to a doctor or mental health professional. Remember, your loved one cannot give you the kind of counseling you really need to get over this. Reaching out to your loved ones is the first stage but getting professional help is of utmost value.
- Attending groups like Alcoholics Anonymous which is run by people who have gone through the same situation can help you overcome this phase in your life. Look for a group closer to your home to get the help you need right away. The biggest advantage with a group like Alcohol Anonymous is that one need not fear about the experiences shared, as all go through the same thing. While it is true that a doctor or counselor would give you the much-needed ears and intervention, talking to an anonymous group that has gone through similar pain certainly assures one to open up.
- There are also rehabilitation centers that offer great services for overcoming alcohol and substance abuse. Two options exist if you decide to get into a rehab. One is taking the treatment as an in-house patient and the other as out-patient. In the in-house facility, you are practically taken care of 24×7. In the out-patient facility, however, the treatment and interventions continue to be the same but just that you will not be given accommodation in the facility. A lot of people who have taken the in-house facility have found it to significantly help them.