6 Warning Signs Of Breast Cancer
Breast cancer is cancer that forms in the cell of the breast. It is mainly diagnosed in women, but it can also occur in men. Thanks to immense research and awareness over the years, diagnoses and treatments have improved and increased the survival rates for this type of cancer. There are several types of breast cancer, and some metastatic HER2 breast cancer treatment options include stem cell based therapies, hormone therapy, radiation, and metastatic breast cancer treatment drugs, like Inlyta Axitinib RX and Nerlynx. If you’re curious about treatments, look into Inlyta Axitinib RX prescribing information, Venetoclax HER2 MBC relief options, and be sure to consider payment assistance with things like the Herlynx copay card.
As with any cancer, early detection is crucial in increased survival rates, so here are 6 warning signs to be aware of:
1. Lumps in the breast or underarm
You should often perform a self-examination on your breasts to check for breast cancer. Feel all of the tissue in the breast and surrounding areas—from the collarbone to the bottom of the bra line and the armpit to the breast bone. Should you feel any lumps, visit a doctor immediately for a mammogram, as this is a sign of breast cancer.
2. Thickening or swelling in an area of the breast
With breast cancer, there can be a fluid buildup (lymph) in the skin of the breast due to the cancer cells blocking lymph vessels in the skin. This can cause inflammation, appearing as a thickened or swelled breast.
3. Irritation or dimpling of breast skin
Skin dimpling, where skin has a texture similar to an orange peel, is a sign of breast cancer. This is often associated with the type of breast cancer known as inflammatory breast cancer, the same one that results in fluid build-up in the skin of the breast. With this symptom, your breast may also feel warm, tender, or you may experience a burning sensation.
4. Redness or flaky skin in the nipple area or on the breast
Your whole breast, or just your nipple, may look red, inflamed, and flaky if you have breast cancer. This symptom is often mistaken and disregarded as skin conditions or breast infections, so it’s imperative that you don’t ignore it—get screened right away.
5. Inversion of the nipple
If your nipple has turned inward (inverted) or changed direction by pulling to one side, this may be a sign of breast cancer. If you notice your nipple looks different, or you’re experiencing pain in the nipple, you should get checked by your healthcare team.
6. Nipple discharge (other than breast milk)
Unless you’re pregnant or breastfeeding and experience breast milk discharge, nipple discharge is a sign of breast cancer. Clear, bloody, or discharge that contains pus are all possible indicators of breast cancer, and you should get screened if you notice it.
You should get screened for breast cancer every year if you’re a woman between the ages of 45-54. Regardless of your age, you should self-examine your breasts monthly for the above mentioned signs of breast cancer.