6 Foods to Avoid With Lung Diseases

6 Foods to Avoid With Lung Diseases

There are many different lung diseases that exist that range in severity, everything from asthma to COPD, NTM lung disease, Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV), and even lung cancer. There are many treatments and helpful medications available for those who suffer from these lung diseases and breathing issues, such as the ABRYSVO vaccine to prevent lower respiratory tract disease caused by respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) in people 60 years of age and older, or the Ribavirin drug for treatment of active RSV infection. However, it also helps to avoid food that can worsen the symptoms of these diseases, such as:

1. Salty foods

Salty foods of course contain very high levels of sodium. High levels of sodium lead to increased fluid retention in the body, meaning fluid isn’t removed from the tissues. The increase in fluid retention can lead to shortness of breath and other symptoms in those who suffer from various lung diseases. Some examples of salty foods to avoid include pizza, cold cuts, and canned foods. You should consume low sodium options instead such as healthy fruits and vegetables and nothing overly processed.

2. Dairy products

Quite a few people are allergic to dairy products such as milk, cheeses, butter, and yogurt. If you suffer from a dairy allergy or intolerance, as well as a lung disease the last thing you want to do is consume dairy as it can cause symptoms as mild as gas and bloating to as serious as anaphylaxis shock. On top of that, dairy can make it harder to breathe by increasing phlegm production, though this is debated. Some healthy alternatives are soy, oat, and almond milk as well as vegan options for the processed dairy products.

3. Sugary drinks and sodas

There are a few reasons you need to stay away from sugary drinks and sodas. One reason is that the high caffeine content in soda can increase the rate of breathing and increase your heart rate. Another reason is that the carbonation in soda can cause gas and bloating making it harder to breathe. As well the high sugar content in these drinks can cause an increase in weight gain which can additionally lead to breathing difficulties. A good alternative for these drinks are flavored water or tea.

4. Processed meats

The main reason that processed meats negatively affect breathing issues is the high levels of nitrates they contain. Nitrites are pro-oxidants meaning it’s possible for them to cause lung damage and contribute to inflammation of the airways. It is best to avoid all processed meats as they also contain high levels of sodium which, as mentioned before, is also bad for breathing issues. Avoid deli meats and look for healthy alternatives.

5. Fried foods

In addition to increasing weight gain, fried foods such as fried chicken, french fries, onion rings, etc. cause a spike in cholesterol levels and increase the risk of heart disease and breathing issues. Avoid fast food and deep fryers and instead opt for healthy, grilled foods that are cooked in a healthier manner.

6. Alcohol

In people with underlying medical conditions such as COPD or other lung diseases alcohol can cause shortness of breath and irritation of the airways. People who drink heavily are at risk for developing lung and airway issues. Avoid alcohol when it is possible to do so and opt for healthier drink options that are alcohol free.

Other than avoiding these foods there are many medications and treatments available if you suffer from a lung illness. Everything as broad as radiation treatments for cancer to more specific treatments like ARIKAYCE drug for Mycobacterium Avium Complex (MAC) lung disease.