Eco-Friendly and Green Lawn Care Tips

Eco-Friendly and Green Lawn Care Tips

In a time where scientists and world leaders are fighting to work toward not polluting the atmosphere and care about global warming, the least we can do is to keep our environment clean and nourished with natural resources. And for some, this starts with a well-maintained lawn that adds to the face value of the house and a sense of pride and achievement. Bit it comes at a cost and a lot of hard work. So, here are some eco-friendly and green lawn care tips that will help you do your bit for mother nature.

Avoiding Gas-powered Equipment
The first of our eco-friendly and green lawn care tips is to find alternative equipment that does not damage the environment, such as electric or battery-powered equipment. The usage of gas-powered equipment destroys our natural resources and is a major cause of pollution in the atmosphere. If time permits, the best way to manage the lawn is to do it by the person ideal. It gives you some quality personal time is a great stress buster for some.

Adapt With Climatic Conditions
Depending on the location of the property, you need to choose the type of grass that is used for the lawn. Choosing grass that doesn’t need a large amount of water is a better option for those who live in parts of the country where it’s warm or humid. Proper research before investing in the lawn and taking expert advice in the locality is especially recommended for those buying or setting up a new property.

Use Natural Waste as Fertilizer
One of the best eco-friendly and green lawn care tips is to reduce costs by using the waste in the kitchen and converting it into fertilizer. Food waste can be made into compost and can be then mixed with other organic materials to make fertilizer. Another option is to leave the remainder of the mowed grass in its place, which will be slowly absorbed by the soil and eventually become fertilizer.

Water the Lawn Correctly
Water is the source of all greeneries, the lawn needs to be replenished with enough water to ensure not just the plants and the grass but the roots also receive plenty of water. Taking additional time to do this can help the water travel deep into the soil. Watering the lawn aplenty but on alternate days is a much better option than doing it daily with at normal levels. Avoiding the habit of watering during the day and doing it after sunset yields more efficiency especially if a sprinkler system is in place. Technologies such as a drip system can work towards efficiently managing the water reaching all parts of the lawn in equal measure and it is quite inexpensive.

Insects and Worms are Your Friends
Insects and worms play a major role in aerating the soil, which helps provide more oxygen to plants. This is a much better way to aerate than using artificial methods that are quite costly. This is a crucial eco-friendly and green lawn care tip as the ecosystem formed will sustain with ease.