5 Prostate Cancer Foods to Avoid

5 Prostate Cancer Foods to Avoid

Prostate cancer occurs in a man’s prostate gland cells, and it generally causes a variety of different symptoms including burning when urinating, blood in the semen or urine, erectile dysfunction, or pain in the lower back or ribs. These issues tend to get worse as the cancer continues to grow, and advanced prostate cancer drugs like XTANDI (Enzalutamide), ERLEADA (Apalutamide), Rubraca (Rucaparib), and ORGOVYX (Relugolix) may be prescribed. Fortunately, men with a family history of prostate cancer may be able to lower their risk by eating foods that minimize risk of prostate cancer (e.g., cruciferous vegetables like cabbage, kale, and cauliflower, berries, and fish) and avoiding the following foods:

1. Cured and processed meats

It’s not uncommon for cured or processed meat products to contain a lot of chemical preservatives to increase the shelf life of the product. Unfortunately, such preservatives can also cause
prostate cancer. Foods like canned tuna and hard-boiled eggs are a much better option for those that want to eat something healthy and high-protein while on the go.

2. Fast foods high in saturated fats

High levels of saturated fats, sodium, and perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are often found in fast foods like burgers, pizza, and french fries. PFAS, in particular, are chemicals that have been linked to prostate cancer development, which is why it’s best to moderate these foods. If you are forced to eat fast food for convenience purposes, opt for items made with fresh foods (e.g., salads, sandwiches, etc.) and check the nutrition facts of each menu item beforehand so you can choose the item with the least amount of fat and processed chemicals.

3. Red meat

A lot of men eat large amounts of red, grilled meat on a regular basis, especially if they enjoy barbecue. Unfortunately, studies show that consuming high amounts of well-done red meat can contribute to the development of prostate cancer, due to the amount of carcinogens contained within. Instead of eating red meat, opt for a few plant-based meals per month and, otherwise, stick to lean, organic meats like salmon, trout, chicken or turkey.

4. Alcohol

A 2001 study published by PubMed, among many others, indicated a positive association between moderate alcohol consumption and heightened risk of prostate cancer—the more you drink, the higher your risk of developing this cancer. Specifically, men who consumed hard liquor, such as whiskey, scotch, and vodka, were at higher risk of prostate cancer than men who stuck to wine or beer. However, in all instances, researchers found lower instances of prostate cancer in men who moderated their consumption of alcoholic beverages to a few drinks per week or didn’t drink at all. 

5. Dairy

Dairy products, especially those with a high fat content, such as cheese, ice cream, sour cream, and whole milk, have been linked to prostate cancer if they are eaten in large quantities. This is because they contain a high concentration of saturated fat and c-peptides. Several studies note that elevated c-peptide levels may be a predictive factor for increased instances of aggressive prostate and colorectal cancers. If you opt to eat dairy, choose to eat it in moderation and stick to low-fat dairy products, like skim milk, low-fat Greek yogurt, or cottage cheese.

While prostate cancer can affect any man, there are certain healthy lifestyle habits that can lower the risk of its development. It’s also important, if you suffer from prostate cancer to talk to your doctor about lifestyle changes and therapies, like metastatic prostate cancer immunotherapy and chemotherapy, that may help reduce your symptoms. One of the best ways to lower your risk is to avoid or moderate the above mentioned foods, and eat some of the best prostate cancer foods including fresh fruits and vegetables, beans and legumes, whole grains, and lean animal protein sources like fish, eggs, and poultry.