5 Foods to Avoid with Multiple Sclerosis

5 Foods to Avoid with Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a disease of the brain and spinal cord that damages nerve cells. Usually characterized by periods of symptom flare ups followed by periods of symptom remission, MS can cause permanent deterioration in muscle strength, stamina, bowel and bladder control, vision, sexual function, and cognitive ability. MS is an autoimmune disorder with no cure, so physicians recommend progressive multiple sclerosis treatment to slow the progression and severity of symptoms.

Consuming a healthy diet and avoiding the following foods is vital to managing MS:

1. Processed meats
Processing food involves the addition of preservatives, artificial colors, and flavor enhancers such as salt (sodium) and sugar in various forms. Extra fats, often of the unhealthful kind, are used to help moisturize the meat, add to its weight, and provide an appealing texture. Processed meats such as pepperoni and hot dogs are low in nutrients but high in calories, and full of chemicals triggering inflammation. Inflammation is the result of the body’s immune system in attacking mode.

2. Refined carbohydrates
Refined carbs are sugars and grains after the fiber and nutritious plant components have been milled away: white sugar, white bread, white pasta, and white rice, to name a few. In Medieval Europe such luxuries were a status symbol eaten by the wealthy. Although easy to chew and digest, they cause sudden jumps in blood sugar followed by the inevitable “sugar crash”. Their lack of fiber means that they’re useless for preventing or relieving constipation. Studies show that habitual intake of refined carbs leads to a cascade of negative effects leading to diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, and other conditions.

3. Junk foods
Junk food is so named because it is low in nutrition but high in salt, fat, and sugar. It answers the demand in our society for ready-made food that’s filling and flavorful. Manufacturers add chemicals to improve its appearance and scent to lure more customers. The bodies of people with MS are already fighting a battle inside as the immune system rages against healthy cells. Good nutrition is essential to prevent symptoms from worsening.

4. Trans fats
Fats are a necessary part of metabolism but not all fats are the same. Trans fats are often referred to as one of the “bad fats”and are found in many popular packaged baked goods such as crackers, cookies, and snack cakes. They fall into the same category as partially hydrogenated oils. The danger to people with MS is that they increase inflammation.

5. Sugar-sweetened beverages
The side effects of excessive sugar intake discussed previously are worsened when dissolved in liquid. The brain doesn’t recognize sugar-sweetened beverages as meals so it continues to send active appetite signals.

It’s important to maintain contact with a trusted healthcare professional to stay up to date with advances in medicine. The FDA has approved several different kinds of medications for management of MS. In addition to oral medications, your doctor may suggest MS treatment injections and/or IV administration.

All of the body’s systems are interconnected. People with MS are especially vulnerable to anything that compromises their health. Food can be either a friend or an enemy so reading food labels will help you avoid the Fatal Five foods!