4 Lifestyle Tips to Keep Asthma Under Control

4 Lifestyle Tips to Keep Asthma Under Control

A wide population in the country is affected by asthma. While the initial symptoms through an asthma attack might seem under control, they can be terribly scary and have serious consequences if the required devices and help are not available in the next few moments. Hence, it is important for patients suffering from asthma and the people around them to understand lifestyle tips for managing asthma so that they can immediately jump into action without panic in dire moments.

While there is no complete cure for the condition, there are different ways in which asthma can always be kept under control. Herein, we provide four essential lifestyle tips for managing asthma.

Being Regular with Asthma Medication
There is a class of medications known as the asthma preventer or controller medications that are prescribed to asthma patients by the doctor. Individuals sometimes consider that these medications can be skipped when they don’t notice any symptoms as such but that is not the case. One thing that should be noted about asthma is that it is a long-term or chronic condition. Once the individual is diagnosed with the condition, they would always have the condition whether the symptoms are actively being displayed or not. To be able to manage the condition every single day, it is important for patients to not skip their prescribed medications.

Get Used to the Inhaler
When an asthma attack gets triggered, it is important for the individual to know how to use the inhaler at that moment. Hence, when the condition is diagnosed, the individual has to learn how to use the inhaler properly. The doctor can provide the patient with a demonstration on how to use the inhaler properly. It is important for the patient to understand it. If there are any doubts or questions, the individual could also try doing a practice run under the doctor’s supervision to make sure they are doing it the right way. If not, the doctor will be able to make the necessary suggestions or changes to the practice.

Making an Asthma Action Plan
Asthma is a long term condition. It is not guaranteed at any point of time that the condition would remain stable. The condition can be unpredictable from time to time with varying symptoms occurring and affecting the individual at different intensities. Therefore, it is important for the patient to keep a check on the signs and symptoms and see how they are reacting to the medication at any point in time. Drafting a personalized asthma action plan with the help of the medical supervisor or doctor can help in handling the situation in a better manner.

Keeping Away from Viruses
Cold and flu viruses are known to very easily worsen the condition of asthma. The fewer viral infection that the individual is affected by, the lesser problems they would face with asthma. To make sure that viruses do not adversely affect them, individuals can make sure to have taken the required flu shot and pneumonia shot. Getting enough sleep and maintaining basic hygiene such as washing one’s hands can also be useful.

It’s crucial for one to follow these lifestyle tips for managing asthma