Easy and Effective DIY Hair Removal Scrubs

Easy and Effective DIY Hair Removal Scrubs

Can there be any place more equipped than our pantry when it comes to supplying us with never-ending beauty products? The same applies for the most effective home hair removal treatments. Here are a few scrubs that you can make at home and judge for yourself.

Oatmeal scrub

This is one of the most effective home hair removal treatments. This scrub contains ingredients that are loaded with vitamins that work wonders on your skin, besides reducing facial hair. This is a special scrub and the ingredients required are

  • 1 tablespoon of oatmeal
  • 2 tablespoons of lemon juice
  • 2 tablespoons of honey

Blend all the ingredients well and rub them on the area where you need to remove hair. Let this mixture stay on for 15 minutes and then scrub it off with wet hands. Even while scrubbing, you will notice hairs being epilated. This may not remove all the body hair in one sitting. It will reduce the hair and make the skin smooth and shiny.

This method is best suited for smaller areas, like the face or upper lip, where the hair is not coarse. Fine hair is easily removed with this method. Repeat this two to three times a week.

Turmeric and rice powder scrub

Turmeric has powerful anti-inflammatory properties and is one of the most ancient and effective home hair removal treatments. Turmeric also reduces hair growth over time. The ingredients needed to make this scrub are

  • 1 teaspoon of rice powder
  • 2 pinches of turmeric powder
  • 1 teaspoon of oatmeal
  • 1 tablespoon of milk

Mix the dry ingredients and add milk to make a smooth paste. Apply this to the area where you would like to remove the hair. Let it stay on for 20 minutes and scrub it off your body with moist hands when it gets completely dry. The rice powder should be coarse, and this coarseness helps remove the hair. Turmeric reduces hair growth over some time. This scrub makes the skin glow. As an anti-inflammatory, turmeric helps control breakouts in the skin. This scrub also works well to reduce the tan in the body.

Chickpea flour and turmeric scrub
This another example of the most effective home hair removal treatments. The ingredients used for this scrub are

  • 1 teaspoon of chickpea flour
  • 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder

Mix the above ingredients and add water to make a paste. Apply it to the area where hair has to be removed and leave it on until it dries. Scrub with damp hands so that hair is removed while scrubbing and rinse off with warm water. This scrub helps to remove hair over some time. Mix equal quantities and store in an airtight jar. Use at least thrice a week. Chickpea is high in nutrients and turmeric gives a glow to your skin. If you have dry skin, add milk instead of water to make a paste.

Lavender and tea tree oil can be used along with scrubs by adding them to the powder while applying it to the skin. Both these essential oils have been found to have properties that reduce the growth of hair in the areas oil is applied to.

While making these scrubs, you must always use fresh ingredients and make sure it is done hygienically. Also, you must use the exact quantity as suggested to improve the effectiveness of the scrub. Make small batches that last for a week or two instead of making it in large quantities. These effective home hair removal treatments will help you the most.