10 Natural Remedies for the Cold and Flu

10 Natural Remedies for the Cold and Flu

Century-old traditions come alive with the onset of flu season. These remedies handed down through generations are effective in treating flu and cold without having to go to a doctor. If your flu or bout of cold is not too severe, you can try the above-mentioned remedies and you can see improvement in less than a week. Among the traditional remedies the use of herbs for teas, foot bath, infusions, eyewashes, facial steams, hair rinses are common, Here are some natural remedies that help one recover from flu and cold.

Thyme has antimicrobial and antibacterial properties and also serves as an expectorant. Drinking freshly brewed thyme tea can help bring out the phlegm and fight the virus.

Basil is very effective in treating flu and cold. You can freeze them in ice trays with some water and use it when you need it. You can make tea with basil and is very effective to treat cough, cold and flu.

You can make teas and use this in salads and chew well for some relief. It stimulates sweat and helps reduce fever. However, this natural remedy for cold and flu is not recommended for pregnant women.

The roots of this plant are a very effective expectorant and help in reducing congestion. Place 1 oz. of the root in 1 cup of water and bring to boil and simmer for 20 minutes. Drain and drink the tea. It is again not recommended for pregnant women or if you are taking the anticoagulant medication.

Synonymous with treatment for flu and cold, this is very effective if you have it once you sense the onset of symptoms. Simmer in water for about 10 minutes and have the tea.

You can add fresh leaves or oil during steam inhalation. Keep your eyes closed as it can cause burning. The oil is very pungent and rubbing it in the chest can help relieve congestion. Rubbing just 1 or 2 drops in the forehead, behind the ears helps in clearing the sinuses.

Lemon Balm
Like the name suggests, this is rich in Vitamin C. Pour a cup of boiling water on about 4 or fresh leaves or about 1 tsp of dried leaves and drink the tea to feel refreshed. Avoid this if you are suffering from a thyroid condition.

This is very effective against cough. If you can get this herb, you can prepare cough syrup at home. Boil 1 oz. of fresh or dry horehound in 2 cups of water for 10 minutes. Strain, measure the liquid, add two times honey and store in your fridge. This can stay good for about 2 months. You can have1 tsp of this syrup 4 times a day until your cough gets better.

Red Clover
Another herb used to treat cough, chest congestion, and bronchitis; you can steep the dried flowers in water for about 10 minutes and drink the tea. This is one of the simplest natural remedies for cold and flu.

This tea is effective in soothing a sore throat and reducing coughs. You can use it the water to gargle. Steep fresh or dried leaves in hot water for 10 minutes and you can have sage tea.

While using these natural remedies for cold and flu, make sure you buy certified products so that they do not cause any negative impact. Research and find out a little more about the herbs before you use them for yourself or your family.